JAZRO Technology (JAZRO) has made every reasonable attempt to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied in this website. However, it does not guarantee the information is complete, correct or up to date and the information is subject to change without notice. JAZRO also does not guarantee the availability of any services advertised on the JAZRO website.
In no event shall JAZRO be liable to the user (or any third party who obtains access to the information) under any law for any loss or damage (including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, economic and consequential damage) in respect of any matter whatsoever related to any information on the site.
Further, JAZRO does not accept any responsibility of liability for:-
any computer virus infection arising from the site; or
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JAZRO owns all copyright in this website. You may reproduce the information in this website for personal, educational and/or therapeutic use only. If you reproduce the information on this site, you must give full acknowledgement that the information originated from JAZRO. You may not use the information on this website for commercial use unless you have obtained JAZRO ‘s prior written consent.
JAZRO greatly respects your privacy. Any personal information you choose to give us will be held in strictest confidence and used only for internal purposes, such as contacting you with requested follow-up information. If you have any questions about how information gathered by this site will be used, please contact us at cx.jazro@gmail.com